Indicators for line route and timetable evaluation

The following indicators comprise line data, which are made up of the line route and the timetable. Demand data is not required for calculation.



Line network length (directed)

Sum of link lengths of the links traversed by line routes. Traverses a line route a link more than once, it is only counted once.

Line network length (undirected)

Compared to the directed line network length, for links which are traversed in both directions, only the undirected values (this means, the mean value from the lengths of both directions) is counted. If the link is only traversed in one direction, the undirected length corresponds to the directed length.

Network length (directed)

Total length of links open to transport system. The length of both directions is included in the calculation.

Network length (undirected)

Compared to directed network length, for links the average link length (this means the mean value from the lengths of both directions) is counted for both open directions.

Number of lines

The meaning of this indicator depends on the network object for which it is calculated.

  • Main lines take the number of lines into consideration, which belong to the main line.
  • PuT operators take the number of lines into consideration, which are operated by the PuT operator.
  • Blocks take the number of lines into consideration, which are traversed on a block.
  • Links take the number of lines into consideration, which traverse a link.
  • Transport systems take the number of lines into consideration, which use this transport system.
  • For zones / main zones, a line is regarded if the zone is connected to a node with a stop point, which is traversed by the line. No line trip has to serve the stop point
  • Stops take the number of lines into consideration, which traverse this stop. No line trip has to serve the stop
  • Stop points take the number of lines into consideration, which traverse this stop point. No line trip has to serve a stop point.

Num lines TSys

Additionally returns the number of lines for each transport system. Otherwise, the indicator is analog to the number of lines.

Num line routes

Number of line routes of a line or number of line routes run by a vehicle combination during a block.

Number of stop points total

Number of stop points, which lie within a territory polygon.

Number of stop points served

Number of served stop points, which lie within a territory polygon. A stop point is served, when it is traversed by a line route. Thus, a line route item with this stop point is required and for the respective time profile item boarding or alighting has to be possible. It is not necessary that trips serve this stop point.

Stops served

The meaning of this indicator depends on the network object for which it is calculated.

  • Territory PuT detail regards the number of served stops being located within a territory polygon. Stops are not served if none of the time profiles includes a stop at one of the stop's stop points. Multiple stops within a stop are only counted once
  • Lines take the number of stops into consideration, which are traversed by a line. This is independent of whether a stop at the respective stop point is intended in the time profile or not
  • Line routes regard the number of served stops, which are traversed by the line route. This means, that stops are not served if no time profile contains a stop at one of the stop's stop points
  • Time profiles take the number of stops into consideration, for which a stop is intended for its stop points, in the TP
  • Vehicle journeys take the number of stops into consideration, where a vehicle journey stops
  • Transport systems take the number of stops into consideration, which a transport system traverses. This is independent of whether a stop (boarding or alighting) is intended in the respective time profiles

Earliest departure

Earliest departure from stop point located inside territory. This is the earliest departure within the analysis period, not necessarily the first departure of the day (for example, departure at 12:20 a.m.).

Latest arrival

Latest arrival at stop point located inside territory. This is the latest arrival within analysis period, not necessarily the last departure of the day (for example, arrival at 11:59 p.m.).

Stop time

The stop time, which accumulates from stop events at stop points within the territory polygon. The stop time is made up of the input attribute Stop time at the time profile items.

Number of PuT departures

The meaning of this indicator depends on the network object for which it is calculated. The indicator is especially interesting for time interval-related analyses, to determine the departures within a certain time interval for example.

  • For main lines / lines it returns the number of vehicle journeys run by this line.
  • For line routes it returns the number of vehicle journeys run by this line route
  • For time profiles it returns the number of vehicle journeys using this time profile
  • For PuT operators it returns the number of vehicle journeys operated by this PuT operator
  • For transport systems it returns the number of vehicle journeys operated with this transport system
  • For stops it returns the number of vehicle journeys which stop for boarding. Stop events at several stop points within the stop are counted repeatedly. If a stop is traversed several times within a vehicle journey, the departures are also counted repeatedly
  • For stop points it returns the number of vehicle journeys which stop for boarding.

Number of departures-TSys

In contrast to Number of PuT departures, the number of departures is returned by transport system. The calculation is otherwise the same.

The coupling is taken into account if there is a coupling at the departure at the stop point.

Number of PuT arrivals

Number of vehicle journeys, which stop for alighting at the stop or the stop point. Multiple stop events are counted several times for a stop.

The coupling is taken into account if there is a coupling on arrival at the stop point.

Number of arrivals-TSys

In contrast to Number of PuT arrivals, the number of arrivals is returned by transport system. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Number of service trips uncoupled

The meaning of the indicator depends on the network object for which it is calculated:

  • For a vehicle journey it is the number, how often this vehicle journey has been carried out in the particular time slot (AH, AP, TI)
  • For vehicle journey items it is returned, how often this vehicle journey traverses the respective vehicle journey item (crucial are start and end stop points of the vehicle journey). It is irrelevant whether boarding or alighting is permitted
  • For time profiles, the number of vehicle journeys is returned which use the time profile in the particular time slot
  • For time profile items, the number of vehicle journeys is returned which traverse the time profile item in the particular time slot (crucial are start stop point and end stop point of the vehicle journey). It is irrelevant whether boarding or alighting is permitted
  • For main lines/lines/line routes, the number of vehicle journeys in the time slot is returned
  • For the line route course, the number of vehicle journey services traversing the line route item is returned (start and end stop point of the trip are decisive, it is irrelevant whether boarding or alighting is permitted)
  • For territory analyses, the number of vehicle journeys which are carried out in the territory in the time slot is returned. A vehicle journey is added to the territory if at least one stop of the vehicle journey lies within the territory. The stop point location is not crucial, but the stop location.
  • For PuT operators, the number of vehicle journey services in the time slot of the operator's vehicle journeys is returned
  • For line blocks, the number of occurrences of vehicle journeys in the line block is returned
  • For links and (main) turns, the number of services in the time slot of vehicle journeys which traverse a link is returned. A link is regarded as if being traversed if the vehicle journey traverses more than 50 % of the link's length. If a vehicle journey traverses a link or (main) turn multiple times, then it is taken into account multiple times.
  • For a transport system, the number of vehicle journey services in the time slot of vehicle journeys using this transport system is returned
  • For zones, a vehicle journey counts for a zone if the zone is connected via a node which is the access node to a stop area, and if the vehicle journey stops at one of the stop points of the same stop for passenger boardings/alighting

Number of service trips

In contrast to the indicator Number of service trips uncoupled, coupled vehicle journeys count as one vehicle journey for this indicator. If two vehicle journeys have been coupled in a section, the vehicle journey item attribute has value 0.5 for each service within the particular time slot, and 0.33 if three vehicle journeys have been coupled, etc. Accordingly, coupled departures count as one departure in the stop point attribute, for example.

Since a vehicle journey, a time profile and a line route can be coupled by section, this indicator can only be returned for network objects with a unique location reference. For line routes, time profiles and vehicle journeys, it cannot be returned.

  • For vehicle journey items it is returned, how often this vehicle journey traverses the respective vehicle journey item (crucial are start and end stop points of the vehicle journey). Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally. It is irrelevant whether boarding or alighting is permitted
  • For time profile items, the number of vehicle journeys is returned which traverse the time profile item in the particular time slot (crucial are start stop point and end stop point of the vehicle journey). Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally. It is irrelevant whether boarding or alighting is permitted.
  • For line route items, the number of vehicle journeys is returned which traverse the line route item in the particular time slot (crucial are start stop point and end stop point of the vehicle journey). Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally. It is irrelevant whether boarding or alighting is permitted.
  • For links, the number of services in the time slot of vehicle journeys which traverse a link is returned. A link is regarded as if being traversed if the vehicle journey traverses more than 50 % of the link's length. Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally.
  • For zones, a vehicle journey counts for a zone if the zone is connected via a node, which is the access node to a stop area, and if the vehicle journey stops at one of the stop points of the same stop for passenger boardings/alighting. Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally.
  • For a stop the number of vehicle journeys is returned which stop at the stop for passenger boarding/alighting in the particular time slot. Multiple stop events at stop points of the stop are counted several times. Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally.
  • For a stop point the number of vehicle journeys is returned which stop at the stop point for passenger boarding/alighting in the particular time slot. Coupled vehicle journeys count proportionally.

Number of service trips (vehicle combination)

For PuT-Detail evaluations this indicator only differs from the Number of service trips uncoupled if there are vehicle journeys with several vehicle journey sections and these differ in terms of the vehicle combination. In contrast to Number of service trips uncoupled the number of service trips is distributed to the vehicle journey sections in this case. If vehicle journey sections differ only in terms of the valid days, the values Number of service trips (vehicle combination) and Number of service trips uncoupled will match. Therefore, the evaluation of this indicator is useful for territory analyses only for levels in combination with xVehComb.

Number of service trips-TSys

In contrast to Number of service trips, the number of vehicle journeys is returned by transport system. The calculation is otherwise the same. Especially coupled vehicle journeys only count proportionally.

Number of section service trips

In contrast to the skim Number of service trips uncoupled, for this skim, the traverses are added, for which the number of vehicle journey sections is decisive. This allows for an evaluation via double tractions if these are modeled via parallel vehicle journey sections.

Skims based on links, line route items and vehicle journey items are available.

Mean service trip length

Calculation is dependent on the network object.

  • For a transport system, service km / number of service trips applies
  • Otherwise, service km / number of departures applies

Number of stop events

The meaning of the indicator depends on the network object for which it is calculated:

  • Territories: Number of stop events at stops within the territory polygon. Regarding multiple stopping at several stop points of a stop during a vehicle journey, all stops are counted and assigned to the territory within which the stop lies. The number of stop events in the territory counts for each vehicle journey and is aggregated for the other levels, if necessary. Different from the indicator "Stop points served" trips are required. Otherwise stop events do not count.
  • For a stop the number of vehicle journeys is returned which stop at the stop for passenger boarding/alighting in the particular time slot. Multiple stop events at stop points of the stop are counted several times. Couplings are taken into account if the arrival was coupled or is coupled at the start stop point. The indicator is calculated from the maximum of arrivals and departures.
  • For a stop point the number of vehicle journeys is returned which stop at the stop point for passenger boarding/alighting in the particular time slot. Couplings are taken into account if the arrival was coupled or is coupled at the start stop point. The indicator is calculated from the maximum of arrivals and departures.(*)

Number of stop events

Unlike the Number of stop events, the number of weighted stop events is calculated by half of the sum of arrivals and departures of vehicle journeys. This indicator therefore also counts stop events, but does not provide integer values. Instead, an arrival at the end of a vehicle journey (a vehicle journey section, etc.) is only half a stop event.

Number of stop events uncoupled

Unlike the Number of stop events, couplings are not taken into account. Coupled vehicle journeys are counted individually. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Number of weighted stop events uncoupled

In contrast to the Number of weighted stop events, couplings are not taken into account. Coupled vehicle journeys are counted individually. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Number of stop events per transport system

In contrast to the Number of stop events, the number of stop events is output per transport system. The calculation is otherwise the same. In contrast to the number of stops, the number of stops is output per transport system. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Number of section stop events

In contrast to the Number of stop events, the number of the vehicle journey sections is output. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Number of weighted start stop events

In contrast to the Number of weighted stop events, the arrivals and departures of vehicle journey sections are output. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Number of start stop events

Number of vehicle journeys that start at a stop in the territory. For passenger trip chains between vehicle journeys, only stop events at the outer ends are accounted for.

Number of end stop events

Number of vehicle journeys that end at a stop in the territory. For passenger trip chains between vehicle journeys, only stop events at the outer ends are accounted for.

Number of passage events

Number of events at a stop where boarding and alighting are not allowed. Couplings are taken into account.

Number of passage events uncoupled

Number of events at a stop where boarding and alighting are not allowed. Couplings are not taken into account.

Number of section passage events

In contrast to the Number of passage events, the number of vehicle journey sections is output. The calculation is otherwise the same.

Mean service time

Calculation is dependent on the network object.

  • For a transport system, service time / number of service trips applies
  • Otherwise, service time / number of departures applies

Is coupled

(Respective) time profile is coupled with another time profile (1) or not coupled (0).

Effectively coupled

An effective coupling means the following: a vehicle journey, which is coupled with another vehicle journey via its corresponding time profile, is really carried out (in other words: at least one vehicle journey service is required for each of the coupled time profiles, these vehicle journeys have to be active and require a valid 'valid day'. For a valid valid day, the valid day is within the analysis period and both coupled vehicle journeys are carried out on the same day).

Relation: Reached departing vehicle journey items

For an item that allows for alighting, the relation between vehicle journeys consists of all vehicle journey items that fulfill the following conditions:

  • depart within 20 minutes from the earliest attainable departure time
  • are located at stop point of same stop as stop point of origin vehicle journey item
  • have time profile item that allows for alighting
  • are unequal to the vehicle journey item (so that continued journey is not counted as a transfer)
  • are not reached through a passenger trip chain
  • attainable in terms of transfer times
  • for which the valid day via the arriving section and the departing section have one common day within the analysis period.

A relation allows you to perform an analysis that identifies areas within the network where connections were changed due to departure times of individual vehicle journeys being moved back.

Relation: Missed departing vehicle journey items

For an item that allows for alighting, the relation between vehicle journeys consists of all vehicle journey items that fulfill the following conditions:

  • depart up to 20 minutes earlier than the earliest attainable departure time
  • and fulfill all other conditions of the relation "Attained departing vehicle journey items"

Relation: Reaching arriving vehicle journey items

For an item that allows for alighting, the relation between vehicle journeys consists of all vehicle journey items that fulfill the following conditions:

  • arrive up to 20 minutes earlier than the earliest attainable departure time
  • and fulfill all other conditions of the relation "Attained departing vehicle journey items"

Relation: Missing arriving vehicle journey items

For an item that allows for alighting, the relation between vehicle journeys consists of all vehicle journey items that fulfill the following conditions:

  • arrive within 20 minutes from the earliest attainable departure time
  • and fulfill all other conditions of "Attained departing vehicle journey items"

Relation: Number of reached transfers

These attributes sum up the number of vehicle journey items in the relation "Reached departing vehicle journey items" for all vehicle journey items located at a stop point of the stop.

Relation: Number of missed transfers

These attributes sum up the number of vehicle journey items in the relation "Missed departing vehicle journey items" for all vehicle journey items located at a stop point of the stop.

Table 248: Indicators for line route and timetable evaluation

(*) Prior to Visum 2022, indicators were available as Number of service trips.

Calculation example: Number of departures per transport system
  • Number of departures for analysis period = number of vehicle journeys, which depart on Jan 02, 2006

For the bus, the number of departures (AP) = 76 (Trips no. 96 to 172)

For the train, the number of departures (AP) = 38 (Trips no. 58 to 95)

  • Number of departures for analysis horizon = Num Departures (AP) • projection factor of valid day

For the bus, the number of departures is calculated (AH) = 38 • 365 + 38 • 260 = 23750

For the train, the number of departures is calculated (AH) = 38 • 365 = 13870

  • Number of departures for analysis period TI1 = Number of vehicle journeys, whose departure time lies between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.

For the bus, the number of departures results from (TI1) = 7 (Trip no. 99, 100, 119, 120, 138, 139, 157)

For the train, the number of departures results from (TI1) = 3 (Trip no. 61, 80, 81)

Calculation example: Number of service trips per transport system

For the analysis period and the analysis horizon, the number of service trips complies with the number of departures in this example. The difference between the two indicators can be seen when looking at the analysis period TI1. Now also vehicle journeys are counted, whose departure does not lie in the time interval between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., though they are running in this time slice.

  • Number of service trips analysis period TI1 = number of vehicle journeys between 08:00 AM and 09:00 AM.

For the bus, the resulting number of service trips (TI) = 10 (Trip no. 98, 99, 100, 118, 119, 120, 138, 139, 156, 157)

For the train, the resulting number of service trips (TI) = 4 (Trip no. 60, 61, 80, 81)